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  • Xin FAN, Guangkai LI, Chuanwen LUO, Yi HONG, Zhibo CHEN, Ting CHEN, and Yan HUO, UAV-assisted Heterogeneous Federated Learning Over the Air Against Byzantine Attacks[J], Submitted to Tsinghua Science and Technology, under review.
  • Xin FAN, Guangkai LI, Yue WANG, Chuanwen LUO, Yi HONG, Ting CHEN, and Yan HUO. A Hybrid Uplink-Downlink NOMA Scheme for Secure UAV-aided Coordinated Multi-Point Networks[J], Submitted to Digital Communications and Networks(DCN), under review.
  • Li, Xuehan; Jing, Tao; Wang, Xiaoxuan; Han, Dengyu; Fan, Xin; Dong, Honghui; Li, Xiangyu; Yu, Richard. Two-stage Offloading for An Enhancing Distributed Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks: Model and Algorithm. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions, under review.
  • Xuehan Li, Tao Jing, Ruinian Li, Xiaoxuan Wang, Yu Yan, Xin Fan, Yan Huo, and Fei Richard Yu. Self-learning Based Dependable Offloading Optimization in Semi-trusted Vehicular Edge Computing and Networks. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, under review.
  • Xin Fan, Yan Huo. An Overview of Low latency for Wireless Communications: An Evolutionary Perspective[J] arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.03484, 2021.
  • Yu Yan, Tao Jing, Qinghe Gao, Yan Huo, Xin Fan, Yue Wang and Yawei Wang, “An Initial Phase-added and RIS-assisted Physical Layer Security Scheme Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning [J]”, 2023, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, under review.
  • Bing Yang, Yan Huo, Xin Fan, Yu Yan, Tao Jing. Effective Integrated Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication [J]. Submitted to IEEE Communications Magazine, under review.
  • Xiangqing Su, Yan Huo, Xiaoxuan Wang, Tao jing, Xin Fan, Zhiwei Yang. Empowering Large Models: Active Federated Semi-Supervised Learning for Object Detection in the Internet of Vehicles[J], 2023, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, under review.
  • Ting Chen, Shujiao Wang, Xin Fan*, Chuanwen Luo, Yi Hong, Xiujuan Zhang. Block secure transmission for unmanned aerial vehicle assisted blockchain communication systems[J]. Submitted to CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, under review.
  • Ting Chen, Shuna Jiang, Xin Fan*, Chuanwen Luo, Yi Hong, Xiujuan Zhang. UAV-assisted Multi-objective Computation Offloading for Blockchain Empowered V2X[J]. Submitted to CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, under review.
  • Yuhang Yang, Yi Hong, Chuanwen Luo, Deying Li, Xin Fan, Zhibo Chen. Joint Optimization of Data Collection for UAV-and-IRS Assisted IoT in Urban Scenarios. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communications, under review.
  1. Distributed Swarm Learning for Internet of Things at the Edge: Where Artificial Intelligence Meets Biological Intelligence
    IEEE Communications Magazine 2024 | [ ]
  2. 3D Physical Layer Secure Transmission for UAV-assisted Mobile Communications without locations of Eavesdroppers
    The 18th International Conference on Wireless Artificial Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (WASA 2024) 2024 | [ ]
  3. High-Precision UAV Positioning Method Based on MLP Integrating UWB and IMU
    Tsinghua Science and Technology 2024 | [ ]
  4. GANFed: GAN-based Federated Learning with Non-IID Datasets
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2024 | [ ]
  1. CB-DSL: Communication-efficient and byzantine-robust distributed swarm learning on non-IID data
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 2023 | [ PDF ]
  2. Robust Distributed Swarm Learning for Intelligent IoT
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023 | [ PDF ]
  3. Efficient Distributed Swarm Learning for Edge Computing
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023 | [ PDF ]
  1. 1-bit compressive sensing for efficient federated learning over the air
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2022 | [ PDF ]
  2. BEV-SGD: Best effort voting SGD against Byzantine attacks for analog-aggregation-based federated learning over the air
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2022 | [ PDF ]
  3. Joint optimization for federated learning over the air
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    ICC 2022-IEEE International Conference on Communications 2022 | [ PDF ]
  4. Best effort voting power control for byzantine-resilient federated learning over the air
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) 2022 | [ PDF ]
  1. Joint optimization of communications and federated learning over the air
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2021 | [ PDF ]
  2. Communication-efficient federated learning through 1-bit compressive sensing and analog aggregation
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) 2021 | [ PDF ]
  3. Hybrid uplink-downlink noma for secure coordinated multi-point networks
    Xin Fan, Yue Wang, Guangkai Li, Yan Huo, and Zhi Tian
    2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) 2021 | [ PDF ]
  1. Blockchain based dynamic spectrum access of non-real-time data in cyber-physical-social systems
    Xin Fan, and Yan Huo
    IEEE Access 2020 | [ PDF ]
  2. Cooperative secure transmission against collusive eavesdroppers in Internet of Things
    Xin Fan, and Yan Huo
    International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2020 | [ PDF ]
  3. An Improved Off-grid Channel Estimation Scheme for Lens Antenna Arrays in mmWave Systems
    Yihui Zhang, Xin Fan, Yan Huo, and Yanfei Lu
    Procedia Computer Science 2020 | [ PDF ]
  1. Secure communications in tiered 5G wireless networks with cooperative jamming
    Yan Huo, Xin Fan, Liran Ma, Xiuzhen Cheng, Zhi Tian, and Dechang Chen
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2019 | [ PDF ]
  2. Security analysis of cooperative jamming in internet of things with multiple eavesdroppers
    Xin Fan, and Yan Huo
    2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2019 | [ PDF ]
  1. Secure transmission solutions in energy harvesting enabled cooperative cognitive radio networks
    Mi Xu, Tao Jing, Xin Fan, Yingkun Wen, and Yan Huo
    2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2018 | [ PDF ]
  2. The secrecy analysis over physical layer in NOMA-enabled cognitive radio networks
    Luwei Wei, Tao Jing, Xin Fan, Yingkun Wen, and Yan Huo
    2018 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC) 2018 | [ PDF ]
  3. A novel secure relay selection strategy for energy-harvesting-enabled Internet of things
    Yan Huo, Mi Xu, Xin Fan, and Tao Jing
    EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018 | [ PDF ]
  4. Throughput analysis for energy harvesting cognitive radio networks with unslotted users
    Honghao Ma, Tao Jing, Fan Zhang, Xin Fan, Yanfei Lu, and Yan Huo
    Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 13th International Conference, WASA 2018, Tianjin, China, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings 13 2018 | [ PDF ]
  5. A cooperative jamming based secure uplink transmission scheme for heterogeneous networks supporting d2d communications
    Jingjing Fan, Yan Huo, Xin Fan, Chunqiang Hu, and Guanlin Jing
    Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 13th International Conference, WASA 2018, Tianjin, China, June 20-22, 2018, Proceedings 13 2018 | [ PDF ]
  6. Failure Feature Extraction of Analogue Active Filter Based on Attenuation Sensitivity
    Yanyan Zhang, Liang Huang, and Xin Fan
    2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC) 2018 | [ ]
  1. A novel cooperative jamming scheme for wireless social networks without known CSI
    Liang Huang, Xin Fan, Yan Huo, Chunqiang Hu, Yuqian Tian, and Jin Qian
    IEEE Access 2017 | [ PDF ]
  2. Space power synthesis-based cooperative jamming for unknown channel state information
    Xin Fan, Liang Huang, Yan Huo, Chunqiang Hu, Yuqi Tian, and Jin Qian
    Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 12th International Conference, WASA 2017, Guilin, China, June 19-21, 2017, Proceedings 12 2017 | [ PDF ]
  • Xin Fan, Yan Huo, Tao Jing. A blockchain-based method for spectrum access and management, ZL 2019 1 0197190.3.
  • Tao Jing, Qianwen An, Xin Fan, Yan Huo. A three-dimensional method for channel parameter estimation based on atomic norm minimization, ZL 2019 1 0483315.9.
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